The damage to agricultural products by wild boars is serious. Wild boars, which are as intelligent as dogs, are troublesome, such as eating and cluttering the grown agricultural products and trampling the fields.
It seems that they also have weaknesses. It seems to be sensitive to blue lights and sounds that you cannot usually hear. The “Monster Wolf” developed by a device manufacturer in Hokkaido is a wolf-shaped robot that is a natural enemy of wild boars. It responds to sensors and makes a roaring sound while shaking its head to repel wild boars. It runs on solar cells.

A wolf-shaped robot that is a natural enemy of a wild boar, repels the wild boars by emitting a sound source that they dislike.
I was able to shoot the activity of Monster Wolf with an infrared camera installed for 24 hours. You can see the wild boar astounding and running away. You can't see the wolf robot, just the sound.
It is very helpful to have a hard-working robot.