In Okinawa, dried and powdered hihatumodoki (Java Long pepper) is called “Piparts” and is used as a seasoning.

Red ripe Java Long pepper fruit

When dried and powdered, it becomes a “piparts” that gives off a unique scent.
Piparts contains a medicinal ingredient called piperine that improves blood flow. This piperine is also contained in black pepper, and various actions have been studied.
I tested whether the amount of powder used as a seasoning (3 shakes) affects blood pressure. 200 mg of Piparts (3 swings) was applied to meat dishes and Okinawa soba every day for a week, and blood pressure was measured before and after ingestion.

The amount of powder used as a seasoning is about 200 mg in 3 shakes.
【結果】 図に5回測定した平均値を示します。ピパーツ粉末を1週間摂取した結果、収縮期血圧は7.8mmHg、拡張期血圧は5.8mmHg下がっていました※ 適量のピパーツには血圧を改善する健康作用があるようです。
[Result] The figure shows the average value measured 5 times. As a result of ingesting Piparts powder for one week, systolic blood pressure decreased by 7.8 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 5.8 mmHg. It seems that an appropriate amount of Piparts has a health effect to improve blood pressure.
