Pineapple harvesting has begun on Ishigaki Island, and you can enjoy pineapples such as peach, bogor, Hawaii, and gold barrels. Although it is in the high price range, the gold barrel type of pineapple is soft enough to be eaten to the core and has a good balance of sweetness and acidity.

Gold barrel, which is said to be difficult to cultivate, has elegant sweetness and juicy.
By the way, raw pineapple flesh contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain. If you use raw pineapple for gelatin jelly, it will not be compatible because it will decompose gelatin (protein) and will not harden.
Interestingly, this bromelain enzyme was used as an oral anti-inflammatory drug. A drug called Kimotab S Tablets has the effect of reducing swelling caused by inflammation. Currently, it does not seem to be manufactured and sold. As for the dose, 2 tablets of this drug will take 80,000 units of bromelain enzyme.
At this point, a question arose. How much is 80,000 units of bromelain enzyme in raw pineapple flesh?
I calculated it.
According to the literature (※), 1 ml of unpasteurized pineapple juice contains about 200 units of bromelain enzyme.
Assuming that the specific gravity of the juice is 1, the result is 400 g of raw pineapple fruit to eat 80,000 units of bromelain enzyme.
One dish in the photo contains 200g of flesh, so you need to eat two dishes (400g) of flesh to take in 80,000 units of bromelain.
Raw pineapple flesh (200g)
It’s an edible amount, but you end up eating too much sugar. It’s a little unrealistic amount.
※引用文献:Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 18 (2019) 101095